Long Forgotten 久違了

It has been about two weeks since my boy’s school resumed lessons. Other than having to get up earlier to take him to school, I have the luxury to have more spare time in the morning.

As we did not have any outdoor activities for quite a while, my wife suggested to visit the Mount Parker Country Park today.



After taking my boy to school, I went to Shaukeiwan and boarded the westbound tram to Quarry Bay, where I will have my breakfast with my wife.

I was born in Shaukeiwan and moved out in my 20s, so Shaukeiwan is one of those familiar places to me. As the tram moved along the Shaukeiwan Road, my memories of the district are getting blurry and there are places that I can hardly recall. Probably, I can’t help as revitalisation projects have taken place throughout the area.



The pink building in the following picture is one of the oldest buildings in this area. It was built in the ’50-’60s. My old classmate told me that the lower floors used to be a maternity home and he was born there.


This is the “Monster Building“, which I believed many photography enthusiast have already been here before. If you are those Transformer followers, you should also aware of this place – Montane Mansion, in Quarry Bay.

This road on the right hand side of the following picture is the entrance to the Mount Parker Country Park. We will start our hiking journey from here later.

著名的”怪獸大廈“,相信很多攝影發燒友也曾拜訪過,如果你喜歡變形金剛的話,亦應該對它有認識 – 鰂魚涌海山樓


The destination of today’s tram ride is here – North Point Primary School.

而今天電車行程的終點站就在這裡 – 北角官立小學

We used to have our breakfast at home. Taking simple sandwich with peanut butter or fruit jam. Since we are going to hike today, we had our breakfast in one of the local cafe in Quarry Bay. I am having my favourite selection “Set A” – Macaroni with ham, scrambled eggs, toast with butter and cup of hot coffee. My wife is also having her favourite too – Corn beef with egg sandwich and hot Hong Kong style milk tea.

This cafe is famous for her speed. All the dishes were ready shortly after our ordering. All of sudden, I noticed that I have not asked them to exclude milk from my coffee, oh Jesus!

平日留在家中通常只會吃數片花生醬或菓醬三文治,難得今天往外走,先和太太吃個早餐。有我至愛的 “A餐” – 火腿通粉,炒滑蛋配牛油多士,再加一杯熱咖啡,而太太就吃個簡單的蛋牛三文治加熱奶茶


We used to visit the Mount Parkers Country Park once a month. However, with the outbreak of the pandemic, we have not come here for nearly nine months. Despite it take 10 more minutes as compared to our past records, to reach Quarry Pass, we managed to get there without any stopping along the trail. Seems like there is not much deterioration in our health.


My son’s school currently only offers lesson in the morning. School will be finished by 1:00 in the afternoon.

After hiking, my wife went home while I would pick up our son. As I still got plenty of time, I walked up to the school from Shaukeiwan.



I first came along the Ming Wah Da Ha, a public housing estate that was built by Housing Society back in the ’60s. This is a place that I used to walk along several times a day when I was attending my secondary school. Other than those building colours, there is no significant change for the past period.

However, with the aging building facilities, high maintenance charges as well as the lower space-efficiency, redevelopment of the entire housing estate has finally taken place. in the past few years.



Phase one of the new Ming Wah Da Ha redevelopment project is scheduled to be completed by end 2020 and will inject a refreshing look into the area.

On the other hand, the high rent that comes along with the redevelopment will definitely impose a significant financial pressure to the residents, especially the ages.



Moving ahead is another large scale revitalisation project. This is where the original “Island Gardens” built under the Civil Servants’ Cooperative Building Societies located. The original houses were torn down and became the new “Island Garden“. One of the most prestige residential properties in the district, enjoying the best views of Mount Parker and Lei Yu Mun.


This area is now populated with numerous high value revitalisation projects. So is there anything remains unchanged here?

Probably are the two government secondary schools and the old Shaukeiwan Fire Station. Time seems to be frozen and nothing has been changed.



While I was taking photographs, I found this cyclist stopping in front of the traffic light and waiting leisurely for his down hill ride ahead!


Seems like I am doing well and have moved nearly 20000 steps today, not too bad.


Just within one day, I have come across long forgotten tram journey, long forgotten set breakfast, long forgotten hiking as well as long forgotten old district that I used to live. What can I say from this?

Nothing but being old.


There is another long forgotten hero, our legendary guitarist, Eddie Van Halen passed away today. In memory of Eddie, let’s revisit one of his greatest live performance in 1986.

May his soul rest in peace.

今天還有一個久違了的人,著名結他手 Eddie Van Halen 離開了廣大樂迷,我亦在此送上他的一段影片作為一個悼念,願安息吧。

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10 Responses

  1. 好喜歡呢篇呀 我要研究下D大廈和location, 我住九龍呀,係呢個屋苑住了40 年呀都未搬過, 又冇唸住搬咼,所以我真的只識自己地方,你D地方好新鲜呀 我等陣要google search har

  2. 我google Eddie Van Halen , 老了的他好型佬呀,年輕的他好迷人,吹一個個波波出黎好得意! 結他也超得! 第一次接觸呢位音樂人呀!

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