Downgrade 降級

I have my indoor bike training platform for more than two years. The focus of the setup is the Giant TCR SLR1 that led me to the world of road cycling, and the set of high performance Fulcrum Racing Zero wheel-system. Frankly speaking, there should be much better use of the Racing Zero rather than leaving it as part of the indoor training setup.

The 2014 Giant TCR SLR1 is equipped with the same Giant brand P-SL1 climbing wheel-system. The stiffness and smoothness of the wheel-system matched with Giant’s tier-one aluminium bike TCR SLR1 perfectly. In order to accomplish my Round-the-Taiwan trip in 2015, tackling those steep climbs like Shouka and the Beiyi Highway, I had upgraded the SLR1 with a pair of Fulcrum Racing Zero wheel-system. This lightweight wheel-system is agile and ultra smooth with its USB hubs. At slightly 400g lighter than my original setup, it is one of the greatest climbing wheels. Of course, there is no free lunch, the wheel-system came with a high price tag of around HKD 10,000.

Recalled that my Smart bike trainer is one of those electromagnetic trainers, one have to mount the rear wheel to the trainer with the tyre pressed strongly against the roller surface. The cause considerable wearing to the rubber tyre. In addition, in order not to cause permanent damage to the roller surface with those small stone and even glass debris sticked on the tyre surface, I have to leave the SLR1 for indoor use only.

Recently, I have made up my mind to “Downgrade” my SLR1.

家中的單車訓練台已設置兩年多,主角之一是帶領我踏入公路單車的 Giant TCR SLR1 及一對高性能 Fulcrum Racing Zero 輪組。把這對 Racing Zero 屈就在訓練台上,總是覺得有點可惜。

2014年的 TCR SLR1 原廠是配上 Giant 自家的 P-SL1 爬坡輪組,無論在剛性及暢順度上亦不錯,頗配合 TCR SLR1 一級鋁車的高性能形象。2015 年底為了要完成台灣環島,讓弱腿的我能攀爬壽卡、北宜公路等斜坡,特別為 SLR1 換上一對高性能的輪組 – Fulcrum Racing Zero。相比原廠 P-SL1,Racing Zero 極度暢順,加速靈敏,更輕了近 400g,可說是爬坡利器。當然世上是沒有免費午餐的,這對輪組亦用上我近萬港元。

由於我用的是磁阻式訓練台,需要把單車後輪扣在支架上並把輪胎緊貼訓練台滾筒,久而久之,輪胎會有較大的損耗。另一方面,因要避免因輪胎上的碎石或玻璃屑損毀滾筒表面,這部 SLR1 便從此與戶外隔絕。

最近終於決定為 SLR1 來過 “降級”。

I have got my Giant PA2 Aero rear wheel from the bike store. It is taken from a 2015 Giant Propel Advanced 2 Aero bike and comes with the P-SL1 tyre. As this wheel/tyre setup has never been used, you can still consider this as a “Brand New” discounted offering.

在相熟的單車店找來一條 Giant PA2 Aero 後輪;它是從另一部 2015 年的 Giant Propel Advanced 2 拆下來的原廠輪組,配上 Giant 的 P-SL1 輪胎。由於從未使用過,仍算是 “全新” 的特價優惠吧!

This is my Fulcrum Racing Zero rear wheel plus the Schwalbe Pro One tubeless tyre.

這是我的 Fulcrum Racing Zero 後輪及 Schwalbe Pro One 無內胎輪胎。

The Shimano 11-32T cassette.

Shimano 11-32T 飛輪。

This is my TCR SLR1 with Giant PA-2 Aero rear wheel and P-SL1 tyre. The new wheel, inner tube, external tyre weighted 1357g excluding the cassette. Around 320g heavier than my original setting.

換上 Giant PA-2 Aero 後輪 及 P-SL1 輪胎的 TCR SLR1。不計飛輪,新後輪加上內、外輪胎共重 1357g,比原來 Racing Zero 的組合多了約 320g。

The factory setup of 2015 Propel Advanced 2 came with 11-28T cassette. In order not to incur additional investment, I have to pedal much harder.

By the way, should this be the proper attitude towards bike training?

2015 Propel Advanced 2 原廠配置的是 Shimano 11-28T 飛輪,我不想再加大投資,只好辛苦一點吧。


For the post downgrade testing, I have kicked off BKOOL and selected the “關廟到實踐大學” route created by user “Ah-Dog“. The route is around 29.9 Km in length with average gradient of 2.75%.

為降級後的組合來過測試,我在 BKOOL 內揀選了用家 “Ah-Dog” 紀錄了的路線 “關廟到實踐大學“,全程 29.9 Km,平均 2.75% 坡度。

As there were several disconnection between my Smart trainer and BKOOL, the overall record might not be accurate as expected. However, the impact should be minimal for the sake of functional testing after the downgrade work. Other than more effort to spin up the wheel, everything remained unchanged.

我的訓練台在早段曾出現過數次斷線,因此整個紀錄可能會有誤差,不過作為功能上的測試應不會有太大的影響。 除了輪組起動稍為要多一點力外,其他都和之前的組合差不多。

From now on, I can take my TCR SLR1 for outdoor rides.

今後, TCR SLR1 又可以往戶外走走了。

What left behind is where to store my Fulcrum Racing Zero rear wheel. 🤔

留下來要想想怎様安置好那條 Racing Zero 後輪了。🤔

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