Product Review Video 產品使用報告短片

Just watched a YouTube clip from one of my subscribed channels From the title “[幹話連篇] 飛馬601N 使用心得”, this seems to be a video review of the new coffee grinder. However, it turns out that there is NO actual discussion on the Pros and Cons of the machine despite it was pulled out and pushed back a number of times.

午後有點無聊,看了一段YouTube短片。單從標題”[幹話連篇] 飛馬601N 使用心得”,大家一定以為這是個全新咖啡磨豆機的用家報告。雖然片主多次的把磨豆機拉出拉入,可是直到這段短片的結尾仍然沒有討論過甚麼產品的亮點或缺點。

So what is this clip all about?


The YouTuber Wayne Shih actual shared with the viewers the rationales behind why one should consider using domestic coffee equipment in household or even in coffee shops environment. Some may say that this is non-professional but sit back and take a look at what Wayne’s thought.

By the way, the clip is recorded in Taiwanese Hokkien (Taiwanese Minnan). Remember to turn on the subtitles.



I totally agreed with what he said. How about you?


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