Surgical Mask, this is All I Wanted 一罩難求

Just like most of the people in Hong Kong, I queued up at a pharmacy early in the morning hoping to get some surgical masks. By the time I arrived, there were already over 100 persons in front of me.

The staff told us that they didn’t have any mask and unsure what exactly they will have today. 😱😱

Searching through all the online stores for surgical mask in the past few days, I am totally disappointed, “Out of Stock” is all I can get. Frankly speaking, this is the first time I found myself so helpless.

Given what the hopeless Hong Kong government under fu**ing Carrie Lam do to us, I think Hongkonger should wake up and do whatever to help themselves .

A little bit disappointed, surgical mask is not available for the day. Anyway, I got some hand wash, sanitizer & wet wipes for my family.

Don’t give up Hongkonger, stay strong and fight against the Novel Coronavirus. 💪💪💪

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