Status Update • Flash Visit to Taipei 狀態更新 • 快閃台北

It’s been quite a long time since I published my last blog post, 318 days to be exact.

2019 has been a busy and wonderful year to me where I have the chance to explore and learn so many things that I have never dreamt before. I am so lucky to have fully recovered, much stronger than before my cardiac operation. In addition, I also have the luxury to setup and run my own small cafe.

Running a small cafe is really a tough job to me and that’s why I have remained silent in my blog. I will share with you those bits and pieces later on.

Just took a few days leave by myself and arrived in Taipei on Sunday evening, day after the 2020 Taiwan President Election.

It took me about an hour to leave the immigration and arrived at the hotel by 8 pm. Have a quick dinner in a nearby food shop as most of the restaurants were closing at that time.






This shop mainly served Italian Pasta and hey looked at my Taiwan style “Italian Bacon Pesto Spaghetti”.


What do you think?

At NTD 120, I could’nt ask for more.



Day One  第一天

Early this morning, I visited my friend’s cafe in Da’an district. As it is close to my hotel and I just went there by YouBike.

Starting from Dec 2019, one must provide the local Identity Card number (Taiwan residents) or the Alien Resident Certificate (ARC for foreign residents) when registering the service with EasyCard. Visitors have to use their credit card for one-time rental. I was so lucky that I had previously registered for the service in late 2018 and I can still use the service with my EasyCard right now.



My friend’s cafe is located near the Da’an Park. Excellent coffee and foods served in a cosy environment.


Dancing Goats Coffee 跳舞山羊

Take a look at the wall decoration and you will know how the name of the cafe came from.


Other than typical Italian Coffee like Expresso and Cappuccino, Specialty Coffee is also served here.

Here, my friend is making a hand drip Ethiopia Yirgacheffe for me.



A heart warming set of Bagel and coffee to start my day!


If you have time, my friend will definitely share with you all the interesting information on coffee.


Sharing with customers on hand drip coffee

By the way, there is an eye-catching marketing motto at the entrance of the cafe, saying that “Getting a quality coffee is as difficult as finding a good man“. I highly believed that the motto is not for the customers but actually targeted to my friend’s wife.

店外有一頗吸睛的宣傳口號: “好喝的咖啡,跟好男人一樣難找。“,我好肯定這句説話不是给顧客看,而是他特別為太太而冩的!

Before having dinner with my old classmate, I went to Longquan Street and visit the famous coffee wholesale shop “好地方 咖啡”.  Although the shop is extremely small, it is packed with a large amount of coffee related equipment like kettles, filters and scales imported from Japan. Price is not really cheap but somehow you can get most of the things you need there. As photo taking is not allowed, I can only show you the storefront.


Longquan Street is a lively space populated with all kind of restaurants and food stalls. Definitely a great place for food lovers.


My dinner is at L’appétit la Cuisine Francaise, a small french restaurant also located in the Da’an District. My classmate took me there more than five years ago and basically nothing has been changed. Still with the quality dishes and services they served, and few tables of customers as before. L’appétit la Cuisine Francaise remained a nice place for friends gathering.


French Escargot
Joue de Boeuf (Ox cheek)

Day 2  第二天

I have an early appointment today also in the Da’an District. As usual, I planned to get there on YouBike but unfortunately, finding an idle YouBike in the morning of a workday is terribly difficult. I searched through a number of YouBike Kiosks without any luck. Finally, I managed to find the last available YouBike in another Kiosk far from the MRT Station.


By the way, today is the farewell ceremony for the eight generals and officers of the Taiwan Air Force, died in the military Black Hawk helicopter accident occurred on 2 January 2020. Soldiers and citizens lined up along the pavement to pay their last respect.


I have my lunch in a Japanese Ramen restaurant. This is a small shop located in the busy commercial area. My veggie tempura Ramen costed NTD 200, not cheap but quite big in size.


Veggie Tempura Ramen
Chicken Fillet Ramen

Having no coffee in the morning, I visited Dancing Goats again in the afternoon.

My friend offered me his secret off-the-menu coffee selection. A mysterious beans combination that came with great aroma as well as a balanced taste of acidity and sweetness.



Have my dinner in local Taiwanese chained store “Formosa Chang” near the hotel.


Their most famous dish is Taiwanese-style soy stewed meats served on rice. Mine is a mini version, tasty but definitely can’t fill my belly. For the soft boiled egg in the upper left corner of the following photo, I suspected that it was over-cooked.


Day 3  第三天

This is my last day of stay in Taipei. Instead of visiting those tourist spots or landmarks, I planned to visit the Banqiao District in the nearby New Taipei City. My friend suggested Jiangzicui to me where I can get a feeling of what a typical residential area in Taipei looks like.

I checked out the hotel in the morning. This is the Hua Shan Din by Cosmos Creation that I have stayed for the past few days.



Housed in a 68-year old historical building that originally used as warehouse of the First Commercial Bank, Hua Shan Din is built on a localised design concept that is adopted for the other modern “Cosmos Creation” sub-brand hotels. Despite most of the rooms don’t come with any windows, but with the high ceiling and modern design, the rooms look quite spacious. At slightly over NTD 400 including tax, possibly you can’t find any hotel better than this.

華山町原址為第一商業銀行的貨倉。設計團隊把這座具六十多年歷史的舊貨倉重新包裝,和其他天成文旅系列酒店一樣,加入不同的台灣本土設計元素。雖然大部份的房間都沒有窗口,但極高的樓底再加上現代化的裝修佈局,為客房帶來很寬躺的感覺。以其稍微高於 400 元台幣一天的房租,相信在台北市也很難找到一間酒店可與華山町相比。

While walking to the nearby MRT station, I found an old food store serving traditional Taiwanese breakfast. The delicious Taiwanese Omelette (or Egg pancake) that I had last eaten 7 or 8 years ago immediately come to my mind.

I ordered one with bacon and egg as fillings for NTD 40.

在往㨗運站的途中,看到一間地道台式早餐店,又勾起多年前吃過台式蛋餅的美味回憶。 二話不說,立即點了一個 40 元台幣的煙肉煎蛋蛋餅。

Wow, it is hot and the sauce is really tasty.


Jiangzicui is located in the northern part of the New Taipei City where the Tamsui River and Xindan River meet. It took about 20 minutes to reach the Jiangzicui Station from my hotel via the Bannan Line.


Just got out from the Jiangzicui MRT Station along the Wenhua Road, you will find quite a number of newly built high rise residential buildings erected among those 4 to 5 stories old buildings. Similar situation can be found in other Taiwan locations as part of city revitalisation.


New high rise residential building in Jiangzicui
Relatively older residential building in Jiangzicui

Before continuing my journey, a cup of coffee will definitely brighten up my day.

Just opposite to the MRT station exit, there is a Louisa Coffee store.



To my understanding, Louisa Coffee is now the largest Coffee chain in Taiwan in terms of store locations, surpassing Starbuck Taiwan recently.


I have not tried their Italian coffee so I can’t say how it compares with Starbuck. Instead, I have ordered their Yirgacheffe G1 Natural hand drip coffee (Oops, forgot to take a photograph!) for just NTD 95.

How did it taste? Well … , I think you should try it yourself.

我從沒有喝過路易莎的意式咖啡,很難把她和星巴克作比較。今天我特別點了一杯耶卡雪菲 G1日曬手沖咖啡,遺憾我忘記了拍照。

味道如何? 我覺得 ⋯ 你應該自行一試。

Jiangzicui seems to be quite a good place for living. Well established transportation networks like the MRT Bannan Line & Provincial Highways,  wide varieties of stores, & supermarkets fulfilling all kinds of day to day needs.


Carrefour Supermarket Market 便利購

My initial plan is to visit the Jiangzicui Scenic Riverside Park along the Tamsui River. However, as I have to arrive at the Taoyuan International Airport by 4 pm, I inevitably changed my plan and decided to ride back to the Hotel on YouBike instead.

I picked up the YouBike next to the Xinpu MRT Station and rode along the Jiangcuilijian Riverside Park, up on to the Huajiang Bridge and back to Taipei City.



Jiangcuilijian Riverside Park & Guangfu Bridge 江翠礫間水岸公圈及光復大橋
Huajiang Bridge 華江橋

Before going back to the hotel to pick up my luggage, I made a brief stop at Dancing Goats Coffee to say goodbye to my friend.


Heping East Road near Guting MRT Station 和平東路㨗運古亭站

Unlike all my previous trips in Taipei, my major means of transportation for this trip is on YouBike except for the MRT Airport Express to and from the Taoyuan International Airport. It only costed me NTD 5 for each of the short trips that took less than 30 minutes of ride. Despite the trip from Jiangzicui back to Hua Shan Din costed NTD 40 which nearly double the MRT fare, I have the luxury to enjoy the wonderful scenery along the riverside parks as well as to say goodbye to my friend.

和以往不同,除了往返機場外,今次交通主要是倚賴微笑單車。一般三十分鐘內的行程只需 5 元台幣,極之化算。雖然由江子翠回華山町要 40 元台幣,但既能欣賞沿途景致,又可和友人道別,絕對是物超所值。

Finally arrived in Taoyuan International Airport on time. Have my last cup of Panama Geisha at the Wing Coffee to mark a graceful ending to my Taipei trip.


Written on 15 January 2020.

寫於 2020年1月15日。

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2 Responses

  1. Pauline Y says:

    Has it been that long!!! Hopefully will see more of you in the future

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