Flash Travel – Tainan 快閃台南

In my past holiday travels, I would usually prepare detailed itinerary for the trip. However, as my boy is getting older, he has his own expectation on the travel and the places for our visit may change from time to time. As such, nowadays, I only planned for the flights and accommodations, the rest of the trip will only be worked out during the trip.

In my recent Taipei/Kaohsiung trip, we had made a flash travel to Tainan.



Days before Christmas, I travelled from Taipei to Kaohsiung to join my family.

On Boxing Day, my wife had arranged a dinner gathering with her friend in Kaohsiung. We had not much time for the rest of the day and it was not possible for us to travel to places that were far away from Kaohsiung. We finally decided to take a short trip to Tainan adjacent to Kaohsiung.

For the morning trip, we got on the Taiwan High Speed Rail to the Tainan High Speed Rail Station at Shalun. We then took the local train service to the Tainan City.


Boxing Day 那天太太約了住在高雄的朋友吃晚飯,剩下來的時間不多,遠的去不到,於是就到鄰近的台南走了一轉。


15 minutes journey with Taiwan High Speed Rail 只需15分鐘車程的高鐵
Minecraft My boy focusing on his Minecraft study 小朋友努力鑽研他的
Waiting for next local train to Tainan City 在沙崙站等待往台南市的台鐵列車
Local train to Tainan City 往台南市的台鐵列車

The High Speed Rail is supposed to be a fast transportation service. However, the Tainan High Speed Train terminal is quite remote from the Tainan City and it actually took slightly more than 90 minutes from Zuoying in Kaohsiung to Tainan City.


We finally arrived at the Tainan Station 終於到達台南市車站

The Tainan Train Station is currently under its renovation program, making this busy station even more crowded.


The congested Tainan City Train Station 人頭湧湧的台南市車站

Oops, it’s already one o’clock in the afternoon and time for lunch.

Tainan is very famous for its local street food and Tainan cuisine: Danzi Noodles, Shrimp Roll, Oysters Roll, Milkfish, savory rich pudding plus various types of cold drinks and fruits ice-cream on shaved ice. These are extremely delicious and definitely worth a try. However, the weather was so hot and we were terribly hungry that we simply had our lunch at Cafe Grazie located in the Far Eastern Tainan Chenggong Store. I had previously visited Cafe Grazie at Xindian district of Taipei, tasty dishes at reasonable prices.


台南最有名是地區小食: 擔仔麵、蝦捲、蚵捲、虱目魚料理、米糕;形形色色的冷飲和菓子冰等都非常吸引,值得一試。只可惜天氣實在太熱,再加上小朋友和我也非常肚餓,已沒有耐性去找了,就在車站後台南大遠百成功店(上圖的藍色建築物)內的義式屋古拉爵吃個飯便算了。我先前也試過它位於台北新店的分店,價格相宜,味道也不錯。

Roast Pork with Herb Extra Virgin Olive Oil 烤醃燻究好豬佐義式香草油
Grazie Squid Ink Risotto, Spaghetti Arrabiata with Chick and Penne Cheese Gratin with Meat 烏賊墨燉飯,辣味蕃茄雞肉義大利圓麵,波隆納肉醬焗斜管麵

After the lunch, we had visited two of the Tainan’s tourist attractions that are closed to the Tainan Train Station: The Colourful Lane (Lane 3) at Kaishan Road and the National Museum of Taiwan Literature.

飯後到訪了隣近車站的兩個景點: 銀同里彩繪巷弄國立台灣文學館

The Colourful Lane (Lane 3) at Kaishan Road 銀同里彩繪巷弄  

The Colourful Lane is actually the Lane 3 at Kaishan Road. Few years ago, a group of volunteers and residents of the lane participated in a community project to decorate the lane with recycled materials and colourful wall painting. Turning the old street and houses into a great tourist attraction.


Tourist attraction for cat lovers 銀同社區貓咪高地
Decoration made with recycled kitchen utensils 廚房回收物料作裝飾
Decoration made with recycled aluminium cans and plastic bottles 回收鋁罐、膠水瓶裝飾
Decoration made with recycled water pipes 回收水管裝飾

Within the Lane, there is a group of consecutive rammed earth houses that were built more than 70 years ago. Nowadays, they were reinforced and revitalised into various types of culture workplaces, lifestyle shops, cafe and coffee shops.


Group of consecutive old rammed earth houses 土角厝連體屋建築
Life Culture Studio 就是如此生活工作站

At the end of the consecutive rammed earth houses, there is a wall painted as a colourful mosaic by students of the Institute of Art Studies of the National Cheng Kung University. I learnt from the Internet that the colourful mosaic was an abstraction of the Tainan City map. Probably I should spend sometime to confirm this.


Rainbow House 彩虹小屋

There is also an old temple called “Liu He Jing Qing Shui Si” that was built in the reign of Emperor Kang Xi of the Qing Dynasty, China, more than 300 years ago.


Temple for Worship 六合境清水寺

Opposite to the “Liu He Jing Qing Shui Si” is the “Little Forrest” homemade cafe that offered dishes made from local Taiwan ingredients. The owner of the cafe would like to express an attitude to life via his cooking. The minimalist cafe decoration matched perfectly with the lane’s hipster atmosphere.

清水寺的斜對面是一間基於台灣本土食材的家庭式料理 – 小山林 家庭料理。


Little Forest Homemade Cafe 小山林 家庭料理

Crossing both the Kaishan Road and Nanmen Road at the end of the lane, we arrived at our second tourist attraction of our journey – the National Museum of Taiwan Literature.

On our way to the museum, we came across the “Tea Industry“, a nicely decorated franchised cafe serving freshly brewed tea and coffee. It looked really attractive but since we just had our lunch, we were quite full and had not given it a try.

從街尾橫過開山路南門路,便可到達今天的第二個景點 – 國立台灣文學館


Tea Industry Nammen Store 茶工業南門總店

National Museum of Taiwan Literature 國立台灣文學館

The National Museum of Taiwan Literature is housed in the Tainan Prefecture government building, a declared national historical monument, that was built during the period of Japanese occupation in 1916. It was originally designed by the Japanese architect, Moriyama Matsunosuke. A lot of the existing Taiwan government buildings like the Office of the Taiwan Governor-General, were also designed by him.

The rehabilitation work was taken up by the Department of Architecture of the National Cheng Kung University in 1998 and opened to public in 2003. The museum researches, catalogs, preserves, and exhibits literary artifacts of Taiwan contemporary literature.

國立台灣文學館是從日治時期台南州廳改建而來,是台灣的法定古蹟。原本的建築物是由日本建築師森山松之助設計,台灣很多政府建築物如總督府 (中華民國總統府) 也是出自他的手筆。


National Museum of Taiwan Literature 國立台灣文學館

Right in front of the museum is the Tangdezhang Memorial Park. Below is the panorama reflecting the excellent planning work of the adjacent area.


National Museum of Taiwan Literature 國立台灣文學館
Main entrance of National Museum of Taiwan Literature 文學館正門
Children’s Literature Reading Room 兒童文學書房
Children’s Literature Reading Room 兒童文學書房

The museum also holds series of exhibitions. The one on display during our visit was the “Taiwan Ghost Culture Exhibition” that showed the traditional Taiwan ghost stories for the kids. By the way, those text description and the computer animation were quite scary.


Taiwan Ghost Stories 台灣鬼怪展覽
Taiwan Ghost Stories – Animation 台灣鬼怪展覽 – 動畫

Located in the atrium of the ground floor is the cafe and museum shop. Visitors can take some rest here.


We had strolled around in the museum for quite a while and its time to return to Kaohsiung to have our dinner gathering.


Tangdezhang Memorial Park 館外的湯德章紀念公園

Having the travel experience with the High Speed Rail in the morning, we decided to take the local Taiwan Railway back to Kaohsiung.

After buying our tickets and got into the station platform, our boy suddenly noticed that we were supposed to board the Puyuma Express bound for Chaozhou. Since he had read about the Puyuma Express accident in Yilan dated back in October 2018, he was quite concerned on the safety of the train and afraid to take the service.



Flight 127 to Chaozhou via Kaohsiung 127號班次經高雄往潮州
Taiwan Railway Puyuma Express 台鐵普悠瑪列車
Taiwan Railway Puyuma Tze-chiang Limited Express 普悠瑪自強號

By the time he got onto the train, he found that the Puyuma was actually same as the Limited Express he had been taking quite a number of times in Japan. He finally became more relaxed and his fear was subsequently vanished.

The return trip back to Kaohsiung Station only took about 25 minutes. Even we put in the transit time of the MRT train back to our hotel, a saving of around 30 minutes could still be achieved.  Frankly speaking, we may need to think carefully whether high-speed rail service is really an efficient means of travel in situation of short journey as in Hong Kong.

走進車廂,他發覺普悠瑪基本上和他在日本乘搭過的Limited Express一樣,他的恐懼也慢慢地消失了。


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3 Responses

  1. 老闆仔分到D火車型号! 😯

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