Boulangerie Nogami 朝聖之旅 – 野上麵包

If you still remembered that my classmate had got me two baking books while I was staying in the hospital, one of them is the “火頭工“, of which I had a review on it. The other one is the “野上智寛的麵包全圖解“, a book focusing on the recipe and baking techniques for breads sold in his bakery – Boulangerie Nogami. Despite I have not completed reading it, I was still eager to visit Boulangerie Nogami while I was in Taipei in last December.

Tomohiro Nogami has two bakery stores in Taiwan, the first one is at LuZhu District of Taoyuan. The second one that was opened in 2011 is located in Shilin District of Taipei City.

On my last day of stay in Taipei, I would like to visit the Nogami Bakery.

After having my lunch near the MRT Nanjing Sanmin Station, I found that I might be running out of time if I went to the Taoyuan store as I had another dinner gathering with my classmates that evening. Rather than going to Taoyuan, I planned to visit the Tianmu store instead.




This was my first time to visit Shilin. There were a lot of interesting shops along the MRT Shilin Station: Book stores, bread and cake shops and small coffee shops. A wonderful place for hipsters.


Shilin MRT Station 士林㨗運站

It took about 15 minutes of walk from MRT Shilin Station to Boulangerie Nogami Tianmu (MRT Zhishan Station should be much closer).

It was a Saturday afternoon and there was a flea market under the MRT elevated bridges. That one was called the Gue Gei Market, opened for selling of farm products from small group of farmers, life-style accessories, snacks, coffee and even second-hand clothes. A crowded place with a lively atmosphere.

沿士林捷運站步行15分鐘便可到達野上天母二店 (其實㨗運芝山站應該較接近)。


Gue Gei Market under the MRT Elevated Bridge 㨗運高架橋下的舊街文創市集
Gue Gei Market 舊街文創市集
Second hand clothing 二手古著

The Boulangerie Nogami Tianmu was within a few minutes of walk along the Shilin Bridge and the Fuguo Road.


Shilin Bridge 士林橋

On my way to Boulangerie Nogami, I came across a somewhat antique car parked on the side of the street. Closer look revealed that it was a Toyota Corolla E20 Levin TE27 Coupe. As Toyota had ceased the model’s production dated back in 1974, I believed this Levin TE27 should be at least 44 years old. It still looked great and without any external modification other than wheel replacement, excellent maintenance efforts from its owner.

途中不經意地看到一部中古轎跑車,走近一看,原來是 豐田Corolla E20 Levin TE27。這款車在1974年已停產,粗略估計車齡也應該有四十多年,但車身狀態仍然保養得很好,除了輪圈外,也沒有甚麼車身改裝,極佳的保養功夫。

70’s Toyota Corolla E20 Levin TE27 Coupe 70年代豐田Corolla E20 Levin TE27轎跑車
70’s Toyota Corolla E20 Levin TE27 Coupe 70年代豐田Corolla E20 Levin TE27轎跑車

Boulangerie Nogami Tianmu was right at the corner of the street.

轉過街角便到達今天的目的地 – 野上麵包天母二店。

Boulangerie Nogami Tianmu 野上麵包天母二店

Let’s take a look at the various European breads shown in the store: Breads with nuts and dried-fruits, croissants, Baguette and other Italian breads like Ciabatta & Focaccia, etc.

Comparing with those Artisan breads from Aduan Bakery that are plain on outside but rich on taste, breads from Nogami are more fancy and similar to those available in Japan. Probably this is related to Nogami’s Japanese origin!

In addition, Nogami also carried a great variety of cakes and desserts.

先看看主角們 – 精美的歐陸麵包整齊地展示在店內,有各式的堅果、乾菓麵包,可頌,法國長棍及義大利麵包等。



Dried nuts and fruit breads 堅果、乾菓麵包
Rye and honey bread 黑麥蜂蜜包
Walnut whole-wheat bread and other French breads 全麥核桃和各款法式麵包
Various Croissants 各款可頌麵包
Brioche and French bread with Cod roe 普理歐、明太子法包
Baguette 法國長棍
Highly hydrated Baguette 高水量法國長棍
Granola and Walnut snowballs 燕麥脆穀片、核桃小雪球

Since Christmas was coming within a week, festival breads like Panetone and Stollen were also available.


Panetone 義大利水菓麵包

The baking room was at the back of the store. Customers can enjoy the great skills of the bakers through the glass curtain.


Baking Room 烘焙室

Finally I got Fruit Restigue, French bread with Fig Walnut and Cheese Toast for my tasting.


Fruit Restigue, French bread with Fig Walnut and Cheese Toast 水菓洛斯堤克、核桃無花菓及乳酪吐司
Customers queued up for payment 適逢麵包出爐,結賬也要多一點時間
Other baking and bread related products are also sold here 店內亦有售賣其他烘焙或麵包有關的物品
Melanger Flour – Co-developed by Nogami and Taiyo Flour Milling 野上智寛和太陽製粉共同硏發的麵包粉

There was also a small eating corner within the shop for customers to enjoy the breads.


Instead of eating inside, I preferred to stay at the wooden bench outside the store. Feeling relaxed enjoying my bread and iced coffee from Nogami while watching cars and pedestrians moving around the street.


French bread with fig and walnut, Nogami Iced Coffee 核桃無花菓麵包、野上冰珈琲

The crumb of this French bread was airy and the dried fig was not too sweet, a great sweetie for the afternoon.


As dinner time was coming real soon, I would leave the Fruit Restigue as my brunch for the following day.


Fruit Restigue 水菓洛斯堤克
Rich taste of wheat and fruits 豐富的小麥和乾菓味道

For the Cheese Toast, I had shared with my little boy when he arrived to Taiwan on the following days. It was damn tasty but oops, I just forgot to take some photos of it. 😬


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4 Responses

  1. 九月個時 晤舒服呀,好返未呀

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