Monthly Archive: February 2018


Indoor Bike Trainer 室內自行車訓練台

It has been about four years since I first seriously took up cycling.  From the early days where I could only ride a few kilometers per trip to the round-Taiwan cycling challenge years ago, I have developed quite a regular cycling habit. However, with the tremendous workload before I retired plus the occasional adverse weather condition, I can hardly keep up with the regular exercise …

騎自行車已有四年多,由最初每次只能騎乘數公里至今天已完成過臺灣環島,其間需要養成恒常的騎乘訓練,高峯期保持每星期兩天。但隨著早幾年工作量的增加,再加上要舟車勞頓到新界騎乘,很多時候都未能維持每週一次。如果天氣不佳,下大雨或受持續性的寒冷天氣影響,更易令人放棄 …


Hoi Nin Fan (First Meal of the Lunar Year) 開年飯

Today is the second day of the Lunar Calendar and is also the day where Cantonese will have our “Hoi Nin”. In our tradition, “Hoi Nin” means start of a year and “Hoi Nin Fan” that is the meal for “Hoi Nin” also signifies the start of a new year … 

今天是農曆年初二,亦是廣東人開年的日子。傳統上在今天吃過開年飯後,新的一年便正式開始 …


Turnip Rice Pudding (Lo Bak Gou) for Chinese New Year 賀年傳統食品 – 蘿蔔糕

Time flies, the Chinese New Year is coming and my wife suggested to prepare some festival food for celebration. There are a lot of traditional foods like Crispy Pastry Dumpling (Yau Kok), Sesame balls (Gin Dui), Glutinous Rice Cake (Lin gou) and Turnip Rice pudding (Lo Bak Gou).

In the good old days, most of these festival foods were homemade by our mothers or bought from supermarkets. Since we are free this year, we decided to make our own “Lo Bak Gou” …

歲月匆匆,瞬間農曆新年就到來,太太提議自行做些過年食品。傳統的過年食品有很多,例如油角、煎堆、年糕及蘿蔔糕等。以往這些食品都是家中老人家所做或從外購買,今年有時間,我們一家人就嘗試一下做蘿蔔糕吧 …