Lamma Island 南丫島闔家一日遊
The weather is getting warmer today which is suitable for outdoor activities. By the time my boy has finished his homework, it is already close to noon and probably we can’t go to places farther away. In this case, we decided to have a short trip in one of the outlying islands nearby – The Lamma Island.
To visit the Lamma Island, you have to take the Hong Kong Kowloon Ferry (HKKF) from Pier Number 4 in Central. Along the footbridge to the pier, there were a lot of people. Some of them went to join the Vintage car show near the Government Post Office while others hurrying to the Hong Kong Observation Wheel and the AIA Vitality Park.
要到南丫島,可在中環 4 號碼頭乘搭渡輪。從天橋走往碼頭的路上擠滿遊人,有些到郵政總局旁參觀老爺車展,有的趕著去玩嘉年華,好不熱鬧。
Vintage Car Show 老爺車展覽
The Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park 中環摩天輪、AIA Vitality 公園
There are two ferry piers in the Lamma Island providing public transportation services. Most visitors would like to go to Yue Shue Wan, but if you are targeted for sea-foods, you probably would go straight to Sok Kwu Wan on the other side of the Island. No matter which one you preferred, it won’t take more than 40 minutes. As my boy loved hiking more than sea-foods, we boarded the ferry to Yue Shue Wan and have Sok Kwu Wan as our hiking destination.
When we arrived at Yue Shue Wan, it is already crowded with families, overseas tourists with hiking leaflets in their hands and even groups of mainland tourists. To save time, we just have a quick lunch at the famous Ngau Kee Cafe.
Western “Four Treasury Rice” at Ngau Kee Tea Restaurant 牛記茶餐室的西式四寶飯
If you are those laid-back type of persons and would prefer a more relaxed afternoon, you may walk to the other side of the Yue Shue Wan Main Street near the Tin Hau temple. There are a number of cafes, shops where you can read and enjoy a wonderful tea-time under the exotic culture of the Lamma Island.
Bookworm Cafe 南島書蟲
The Waterfront Restaurant & Bar 海灣餐廳
Along the Yue Shue Wan Village, you can go to the Hung Shing Yeh Bay Beach or visit the one and only one Wind turbine power station in Hong Kong – The Lamma Winds.
沿著榕樹灣村路,可走到洪聖爺灣及全香港唯一的風力發電站 – 風采發電站。
A lovely handmade road sign 精緻的手工路標
Lamma Winds began its production in early 2006. With its extremely low capacity, the wind turbine is considered as an experimental project only. Since my boy had been there a number of times, we decided to skip it today.
風采發電站於 2006 年初正式量產,發電量極低,是一個試驗性的計劃。由於小朋友以往已多次參觀,今天決定不走上去了。
Within 10 to 15 minutes along the Lamma Island Family Walk, we reached the Hung Shing Yeh Bay Beach. Walking across the beach and towards the hill, you will then have a wonderful view of the Lantau Island as well as the South China Sea.
Concerto Inn along the Hung Shing Yeh Beach 洪聖爺泳灘傍 Concerto Inn
Hung Shing Yeh Bay Beach 洪聖爺灣泳灘
Lamma Island Power Plant 南丫島發電廠
Stunning view of Lantau Island and the South China Sea 大嶼山及南中國海瞭闊的風光
My boy was so energetic that within another 30 minutes of walk, our destination – Sok Kwu Wan came to sight.
小朋友精力充沛,不用半小時便可越過山嶺,看到今天的目的地 – 索罟灣。
Sok Kwu Wan 索罟灣
Family Walk near Cave Kamikaze 神風洞海傍
Just like the one at Yue Shue Wan, the Tin Hau temple at Sok Kwu Wan provides the protection to this old fishing village.
Tin Hau Temple at Sok Kwu Wan 索罟灣天后古廟
Most of the tourists, hikers will enjoy famous sea-foods at Sok Kwu Wan. For me, traditional local snacks like the “Steamed Brown Sugar Rice Cup Cakes with Red Beans” is my cup of tea. Freshly steamed, hot, so touching and delicious that I wanna cry.
大家來到索罟灣,一定會品嚐馳名的海鮮美食。而我則只鍾情傳統地方小吃 – 黃糖紅荳缽仔糕。剛剛蒸好,熱騰騰,好味得令人感動流淚。
Traditional Steamed Brown Sugar Rice Cup Cake with Red Beans 傳統黃糖紅荳缽仔糕
Sok Kwu Wan Ferry Pier 索罟渡輪碼頭
As we have just missed the ferry and the next one will arrive one hour later, we decided to take a brief walk along the Mo Tat Wan. After some up-and-down walk, the southern part of the Hong Kong Island appeared right before us. Even the Abyss of the Ocean Park could be clearly seen under bright sunlight.
View of the Southern Hong Kong Island from Mo Tat Wan 模達灣遠眺香港島南區景色
Back to the pier, a lot of the people were already waiting for the 5:35pm ferry. Since the next ferry will only come two hours later, a large number of people shortly arrived and making the pier extremely crowded. Luckily, all of them were in good order and quietly queued up for the ferry.
回到碼頭,已有很多人在排隊等候 5:35pm 的渡輪。由於再下一班的船需要多等兩小時,不一會便再多了一倍以上趕著回家的人,令碼頭異常擠擁。可幸的是大家都很有秩序,耐心靜待渡輪。
Queue up for the ferry 排隊靜候渡
I took a short break on the ferry and looking around at the people around me. They all looked happy and possibly they enjoyed their wonderful trip in the Lamma Island. I also felt blessed having such a happy moment with my family today.
Within 40 minutes, we arrived at the Central Ferry Pier.
Central under evening sunlight 黃昏的中環
Finally, let’s have another look of the Hong Kong Observation Wheel as the end of our Lamma Island trip.
A different look of the Hong Kong Observation Wheel 不一樣的中環摩天輪
而家到咗英國,真係懷念香港行山嗰種”方便” 😬
啱 🙌
噢,差啲唔記得同你講英國呢本步行雜誌《Country Walking》 。你有冇申請英國圖書館的借書證,只要有借書證,你試吓用呢個電子圖書館app,Lippy,有網上版同手機版,可以免費借雜誌的電子版和電子書,非常方便,我都係咁,可以睇不同國家嘅雜誌,有中文雜誌添。
我有英國圖書證呀,都有借雜睇,剛剛借埋八月號 Country Walking,多謝推介 🙌